A Tale of Thanksgiving Past

A Tale of Thanksgiving Past

This week in the US it was Thanksgiving. A day that used to render both fear and longing in my heart as I looked forward to the freedom to eat "all the things" and dreaded how sick I knew I was going to make myself feel after months of restriction and calorie counting.

That doesn't happen anymore.

This week I put a little summary together of how I've changed over the past 7 years and how my food talk has changed so you can see some of the steps along the way.

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Holiday Survival

Holiday Survival

Are you looking forward to the holidays? No? Sort of? Too stressful? Too much food? Too much family? Too little family? The holidays can be a bittersweet time. It’s supposed to be joyous and full of good cheer, but can feel forced and full of pressure and stress. Here are a few things I like to keep in mind during the holiday season. First, when it comes to food, I hope by now that you have rejected the diet mentality and you are not listening to the all the people telling you in a panic how many calories you are going to eat between now and New Year’s.  That message only plays on our fears and does not serve us.

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