The Book is Out Today!

I'm popping in quickly to share today that the collaborative book, The Great Pause, is available for free download today! As you know, I contributed Chapter 18 to the book - talking about food and fear of weight gain during a global pandemic.  You can also order a physical copy of the book from Amazon or my website.  (Don't worry Mom, I have a copy for you!) 

This labor of love is a collection of stories of hope and survival from a variety of different lived experiences during the COVID pandemic. What I love about the book is the reminder that no matter what is happening TO you, can you also see what each experience in your life is doing FOR you? 

This can be a transformative shift in perspective which is what my work is all about.  How can we see things differently? What happens when we allow for infinite possibilities? What if everything wasn't black and white? 

I also love this book because it's an example of what happens when we say YES to opportunity.  I took a leap and answered the call to participate in this project in order to be closer to other people who believe anything is possible and that love is what will heal our world. 

When we focus on the experience and not the outcome, we are truly alive. I'm not counting downloads, reviews and tallying sales - I'm reveling in the energy of the offering we have given the world, and the invitation for others to experience the world in a more empowering way. 

No matter how the book does in the traditional sense, it's already a huge success in the world of everyone who came in contact with the project. 

The same is true for our bodies. When we revel in what delights our senses, without focusing on an expectation or an outcome, that is when we are truly embodying our aliveness. 

Going for a walk in order to soak up the energy of the trees and the sun, taking a nap in order to let our muscles relax and our brains to reset, eating a meal with a variety of tastes and textures that fills our bellies and puts a smile on our faces.  It's these things - living in the moment - that bring joy and satisfaction to life. 

It's not about being a certain size or weight, getting that job, having the relationship of our dreams, or any other end goal. It's really true that life is in the journey, not the destination. 

What keeps you from living today? What are you waiting for? 

It is my delight and pleasure to continue to share the energy of possibility with those who are ready to receive it and this book is one example of that mission coming to life. 

I know there will be more to come for me and for all of us who are here and ready to choose love over fear and who believe that that the world has so much more to offer than what our old conditioned fear based thinking would have us believe. 

Are you ready to step into a world full of new possibilities? I'll meet you there!